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National Education Standards in Indonesia

National Education Standards in Indonesia - National Education Standards are the minimum criteria in the implementation of the national education system and must be met by the organizers and / or educational units in the entire territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). National Education Standards serves as the basis in management (both in the planning, implementation and monitoring) education in order to achieve a better quality of national education yan. The purpose of the National Education Standards itself is ensuring the quality of national education in order to educate the nation and character development and a dignified civilization. National Education Standards have also been enhanced in a planned, purposeful and sustainable in accordance with the changing demands of the local, national and global

The National Education Standards are as follows:

1. Content Standards

Standard content is material scope and level of competence to achieve the competency of graduates on the level and type of education. In its development, Content Standards have been developed by BNSP and became Minister of National Education (game) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards for a primary and secondary education.

2. Processing Standards

the educational unit to achieve competency standards, this is as set forth in the PPRI No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, Article 1, paragraph 6.

3. Competency Standards (SKL)

SKL or Graduates Competency Standards is part of the National Education Standards which are the competence of graduates minimal criteria applicable throughout the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

4. Education Standards and Education Personnel

Standards of education and education personnel are Prajabatan education and eligibility criteria physically and mentally, as well as in-service education. Educators are educators who qualified as teachers, counselors, tutors, widyiswara, tutors, instructors, facilitators and other designations in accordance with their specialization, as well as participating in education.

5. Infrastructure Standards

This standard is the national standard of education with regard to the minimum criteria of the study room, a gym, a place of worship, libraries, laboratories, workshops, playground, where creativity and expression as well as other learning resources.

6. Management Standards

Management Standards are national standards relating to the planning, implementation, and monitoring of educational activities at the unit level, district / municipal, provincial or national level in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of education.

7. Standard Financing

Financing standard is a standard that governs the components and operational costs of education unit which is valid for one year. The operational cost of education is a part of education necessary funds to finance the operations of the educational unit that can last for educational activities in accordance with national standards and continuing education on a regular basis. In the details of operational costs consist of investment costs, operating costs and personnel costs.

8. Education Assessment Standards

Standard Assessment is the process of collecting and processing information to measure achievement of student learning outcomes, while education evaluation is control, assurance, and the determination of the quality of education on the various components of education at every track, level and type of education as a form of education. Thus info on 2 Recent National Education Standards may be useful to you.

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